Swiss Water Decaf and the FODMAP IBS Diet

In recent years, many people have started talking about the FODMAP diet and how it can improve and alleviate the symptoms of IBS, in short bloating, wind, abdominal pain and...
December 15, 2015 — Gary Carruthers

How can decaf coffee help prevent Type 2 Diabetes?

Since the news from the study last month about the general health benefits of coffee by the American Heart Association Journal, there’s more good news for decaf coffee drinkers to...
December 03, 2015 — Gary Carruthers
Our-review-of-the-Swiss-Water-Decaf-New-York-Pop-Up-Store Decadent Decaf Coffee Company

Our review of the Swiss Water Decaf New York Pop Up Store

So our friends at Swiss Water Decaf opened a pop up in the heart of New York City and guess what happened…? At first, consternation, surprise, confusion…why would you drink...
November 05, 2015 — Gary Carruthers

How much caffeine is in Swiss Water Decaf coffee?

A lot of people ask us, “how much caffeine is really in Swiss Water Decaf process decaffeinated coffee"?Well, official guidelines are that a minimum of 97% of the caffeine must...
July 25, 2015 — Guy Wilmot

How is Swiss Water Decaf coffee made?

To start off with, the Swiss Water Process is a non-solvent method for decaffeinating coffee. And despite the “Swiss” in the title, the coffee is not decaffeinated in Switzerland, but...
July 17, 2015 — Gary Carruthers