Colombia Decaffeinated Coffee - Swiss Water Decaf Coffee Process - Strength 3 - Decadent Decaf

£8.99 GPB

Decaf Coffee Cupping Notes

As one of the old favourites, everyone has an opinion on Colombian decaffeinated coffee. This was one of the first origin coffees to really make an impact on the public consciousness back in the 80s and continues to punch above its weight.

Grown at 1000-1300m in the Medellin region of Colombia, it has those classic Colombian cup profile characteristics of sweet nuttiness, lovely round body and the balanced acidity so associated with washed coffees.

Strength 3.

Arabica Coffee Varieties: Caturra, Typica, Bourbon.

Want to try all our decafs? Then try our Decaf Saver Bundle Pack - all 6 of our decafs and you save 10%.

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